Acoustic time out

Silent location

The quieter it is, the more I can hear.

The gentle hum of the bees in the surrounding mountain meadows. The quiet rustling of the treetops. The sound of the snow as it falls from the branches. Those are the sounds of silence at Monte Pana. The only sounds up here are of nature. Thanks to the secluded location with no direct neighbours or streets leading past, I enjoy incomparable peace and quiet. This experience is not only beneficial for my mind, but also quickly has a positive effect on my physical well-being.

Silence promotes my health

In normal everyday life I am constantly bombarded with noises. I often don't even notice them anymore because I am so used to them. When I experience the acoustic peace at Monte Pana, I once again realise how healing it is and how good it is for me. In silence, tensions in body and mind are reduced. It reduces stress levels, improves my sleep, promotes concentration and creativity, lowers blood pressure and protects my heart and circulation. When my brain doesn't have to process sounds, it can concentrate more intensely on seeing, smelling, tasting and feeling, which is always worthwhile with the views, the fresh mountain air, the good food and the fine natural materials at the Cendevaves. This tranquil setting will work wonders even after just a few days.

Holidays, in total tranquillity

Luxury days in a secluded location

Rocky neighbours

Panoramic location

A warm welcome


Culinary creations


Art and nature trail

Troi Unika

Insights and views
